About Us
CanChat is an online platform and monthly meet-up for Nepali cancer patients, survivors and their families to connect.
In our society, people diagnosed with cancer are often met with a room full of consoling and confused faces and comments from non-experts and people with no shared experience. CanChat was created to establish a safe meeting space for people sharing the difficult experience of cancer diagnosis. CanChat provides a platform where people can share their early experiences of diagnosis, find compassion for the challenges they and their families face during treatment, as well as voice any questions that come up in the process of their journey. CanChat is a space for mutual support and a resource for education and information for all those affected by cancer.
Our founder, Dr. Deepika Karki, is herself a survivor of cancer. In her own journey with this illness, she found it difficult to find and share support, information and connection with people going through similar experiences. Karki believes that no one should feel alone during their battle with this illness so she created this platform where Cancer warriors can connect.
CanChat is you. CanChat is ever-growing. CanChat was founded by Dr. Deepika Karki and a team
of wonderful individuals that helped her bring this vision to life, including: Dennis Karki for
website design, Dilasha Karki for concept support, Esme Savage for content and editorial, Dr.
Asim Shrestha for social media, and numerous other family, friends and fellow survivors.
CanChat is always evolving to meet you where you need to be met. CanChat aims to offer a
platform for cancer patients, survivors and their family and friends to share their experiences,
questions, struggles and triumphs. We will hold a monthly meet-up, with options to attend in-
person and virtually, moderated by Dr.Deepika Karki. We will also be sharing the voices and
experiences of CanChat through a blog published monthly. In the future, we hope to create a
complete online forum for people affected by cancer to connect and find support in an easily
accessible chat room space. The possibilities are endless!
CanChat is for you. CanChat is for any and all people affected by cancer. Cancer patients,
surivors, affected family and friends are all invited.
CanChat is 100% confidential. When you send us an email or contact us, we keep your
information private and confidential. We will always ask you for permission to use your name or
information for any reason. Everyone who attends the monthly meet-up will be required to sign
a confidentiality waiver. We know that cancer is a personal and sensitive topic. We respect you.
Please contact us using our form (linked here). We invite you to share your questions,
experiences and feedback with us. Be sure to check the box to receive emails from us so we can
inform you of our monthly meet-up, blog updates and more!